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The prevalence of vaping CBD among e-cigarette users, particularly students, has become a significan…

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The prevalence of vaping CBD among e-cigarette users, particularly students, has become a significant concern. According to the results of the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey, more than one in five students who use electronic cigarettes reported vaping CBD, a component of marijuana that does not produce the psychoactive effects associated with THC. Additionally, over 6% of students were unsure whether or not they had vaped CBD.[0]

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has made it clear that they consider synthetically produced cannabinoids, including delta-8 THC, to be federally illegal controlled substances. This includes hemp-derived delta-8 THC, which has gained popularity in the market.[1] The DEA communicated its support for adding all synthetic cannabinoids containing THC to the list of controlled substances, and they are actively preparing for broader rulemaking on cannabis post-hemp legalization.

Vaping CBD, whether in the form of distillate like wax or active cannabis, poses risks that young people often fail to recognize. Dr. Diane Tanaka, the medical director of the Teenage and Young Adult Health Center at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, emphasizes that young people may not fully understand the potential dangers of vaping CBD or cannabis. There are risks associated with both the act of vaping and the marijuana itself.

The rise in cannabis vaping among adolescents in the U.S. has been attributed to the increased availability, convenience, and discreetness of vaping devices. A national U.S. survey conducted in 2022 revealed a significant increase in cannabis vaping among middle and high school students, with the highest prevalence reported among twelfth-grade students.

Health experts warn that there can be serious risks involved in vaping CBD. While CBD is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, its use raises safety concerns, including potential harm to the liver, lungs, and male reproductive system. It is crucial to determine the prevalence of vaping CBD among youths to estimate the health consequences in this population.

The lack of awareness and understanding among young people regarding the risks of vaping CBD is a cause for concern. Many students may not even realize that they are vaping CBD and mistakenly think it is harmless flavoring. Dr. Tanaka emphasizes the need for evidence-based educational campaigns, interventions, and public policy changes to reduce the potential harmful health outcomes associated with vaping CBD among young people.

The potential risks of vaping CBD extend beyond physical health. There is evidence to suggest that it can negatively impact memory and the functioning of neurotransmitters in the developing brain.[2] This is particularly concerning for young people whose brains are still maturing. In severe cases, vaping CBD has been associated with irritability, aggression, and other psychological symptoms.

It is crucial for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to be aware of the growing trend of vaping CBD among young people. It is important to educate them about the potential risks and to implement strategies to prevent and reduce CBD vaping. This includes promoting healthier alternatives, providing accurate information about the risks, and creating support systems for those who may be struggling with addiction.

In conclusion, the prevalence of vaping CBD among young people, particularly students, has become a significant concern. The DEA considers synthetic cannabinoids, including hemp-derived delta-8 THC, to be federally illegal controlled substances. Health experts warn that there can be serious risks involved in vaping CBD, including potential harm to the liver, lungs, and male reproductive system. It is crucial to raise awareness, implement evidence-based educational campaigns, and enact public policy changes to reduce the potential harmful health outcomes associated with vaping CBD among young people.[3]

0. “CBD Vapes Rising in Popularity Among Teens | Health | kxly.com” www.kxly.com, 12 Sep. 2023, https://www.kxly.com/news/health/cbd-vapes-rising-in-popularity-among-teens/article_7e13888c-7f57-57ef-9875-1e35647442a9.html

1. “Congressional Research Service Notes Hemp Industry's Recent …” www.marijuanamoment.net, 12 Sep. 2023, https://www.marijuanamoment.net/congressional-research-service-notes-hemp-industrys-recent-decline-amid-fda-inaction-on-cbd-rules/

2. “CBD Vapes Rising in Popularity Among Teens – Islander News” www.islandernews.com, 12 Sep. 2023, https://www.islandernews.com/lifestyle/health/cbd-vapes-rising-in-popularity-among-teens/article_86fbfdb8-2967-5783-bec0-d950021d02a8.html

3. “CBD Vapes Rising in Popularity Among Teens | Fox 11 Tri Cities …” www.fox41yakima.com, 12 Sep. 2023, https://www.fox41yakima.com/cbd-vapes-rising-in-popularity-among-teens/

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